Posts tagged dream store
The dream store opens for business 05.08.21

The Night My Dream Came Alive is about a 12-year-old girl called Ollo who can’t dream. Luckily for her there’s a shop in town called the Dream Store, which sells the most extraordinary, nightmare-free adventures to children. When I created the shop, I didn’t want to go down an ‘oldy worldy’ route. I wanted the the place to be minimalistic, slick and hi-tech like an Apple store. The reason for this was I was keen to position the DreamDrops as something that children would pester their parents for like Nike Air Super Max trainers or PlayStaytion. The DreamDrops are a must-have item on every wishlist, yet when parents or carers see the price tag, they are horrified. Something that’s not easily affordable becomes a bit of a status symbol. And everything associated with it is cool.