The Mountain Rescue Dog Is Nearly Here

I’m happy to say The Mountain Rescue Dog went off to print on Monday. Hurrah!

It’s about a girl called Clova who finds an abandoned border collie. Far from them being the best of friends, Clova has to work really hard to earn the dog’s trust. The border collie shows signs of being a fantastic tracker dog, so Clova begins his training. The pair of them form an unbreakable bond, but when Clova’s overprotective father finds out she has been on the dangerous moors, he vows to send the dog away. Will Clova and her best friend, Tatty, ever be together?

This book was so interesting to write. I chatted with someone who works with Search and Rescue Dog Association Ireland to learn some dog handling tips and looked into what it’s like being in a Mountain Rescue team. I also wanted to better understand why people risk their lives to climb mountains. And what is it like looking for someone on a cold, dark, stormy night in an inhospitable and treacherous location. Most of all, I wanted to know how it felt when you rescued someone. We don’t often think about the people and their dogs who help others, unless they hit the news headlines. They work tirelessly all year round to make sure that the lost and injured make it back safe and sound.

The Mountain Rescue Dog releases this September. You can buy it from all good bookshops or request it in your local library. I hope you enjoy this epic adventure set in the Highlands of Scotland.

Juliette Forrest